Dalam menjalani hari-hari, terutama di tempat kerja, ada saat dimana kita merasa jenuh, ada saat dimana aku merasa lelah, bukan secara fisik tetapi sepertinya tidak enjoy saja dengan apa yang terjadi, yg tidak semestinya, yg kadangkala ada hal yang aku anggap benar, tetapi menurut mayoritas atau pun atasanku tidak seperti itu. Aku punya 'magic words', selembar kertas yang ditaruh di dinding dekat komputer kerjaku. Kata-kata ini selalu menjadikanku 'cheers' dan 'happy' lagi menjalani hari hari di tempat kerja.
Terima kasih dan syukurku padaMu, untuk apapun yang sudah Engkau berikan dalam hidupku. I thank U, God
Be Thankful
If you have a bad day at work, be thankful. Appreciate that you have a job.
Some people don't.
When you pay your bills, be thankful. You can pay them.
If you see a gray hair, be thankful.
Think of the cancer patient in chemotherapy who only wishes for any hair.
When you find yourself waiting in line or the recipient of poor service, be thankful.
Think about the people who have no food to eat at all.
When you realize how much work it is to take care of a house,
be thankful you have a house. Think about those who only wish they had a house to take care of.
When you feel like complaining because you have to walk a long distance from your car,
be thankful. Think of what it would be like not to be able to walk!
If you get irritated by other people's anger,
apathy, ignorance, bitterness, or insecurities, be thankful.
Things could be worse. You could be one of them!
When you think everything in your world is terrible, and you want to give up,
think of the people who have been told they only have a certain amount
of time to live. They don't want to give up.
Live life to its fullest.
Appreciate life.